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(ADA) Artificial Digitalized Algorithm Super Computer

#Simulation #TerminalBased #Random #Python #Ironic #UserInputBased · By Kira Todorova


Recent updates

Iteration 2
Iteration 2 The bugs that appeared in Iteration 1 are fixed, new things were added, such as VFX, music, Voice Overs, more animations, and in-game art. Fear not!...
1 file
Bug Reporting
Why? So we can improve and become better developers that create small significative things for our end-users. You are a golden star that fulfills the whole Chri...
Iteration 1
Pitch: A terminal-based game that takes input and output from both users and files. Simulates a secret agent program seen in movies. Features: - A rough program...
Iterations of ADA Super Computer
ADA is currently built from iterations. Each iteration is the removal of temporary demonstrative things with actual assets. Those assets might be updated or cha...
1 file

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